When you are a member and use their credit card you receive a ten cent savings on each gallon of fuel. Also when you buy any of their specials in the warehouse BEFORE you purchase your fuel you receive an additional savings of 25 cents off each gallon of fuel.
This is my go to place for gas. It's cheaper than other stations. This week when you stock up on stuff in the store you save an additional 25 cents a gallon. You need your membership card though.
If you don't have the membership card you could pay a little bit more. Is almost always the best price.
Best prices for⛽️ in the area with a membership.
always great. but only 1 way entry ïf your hose is on the left you have to hold the hose
Must have a membership.
customer services usually good when is needed typically quick in and out. usually has full cleaner for windshield and window wash. air pumps usually are working. you can save extra money with membership and purchasing certain items if you have their credit card saving even additional money off.
Not a full service station. But they do offer free air
Just a place to get gas. No convenient store. Usually best price in town however, you must be a member to get gas here.
Best gas price in town employees courteous
Price was about .30 more than advertised and discounted less than 25c
It would be nice if you get your receipt on the filling station and not inside
Well lit great staff very clean
Ok for a Patel owned station.