Nice stop
Yes only but it is. Convenient
Good 4 gas
easy to use, very convenient
A old time pump only station. Good place to get inexpensive gas along the outer road access south of Jasper. No store, but a quick gas only location. No frills, but no overhead too...... keeps prices competitive. The pumps measure in gallons without a $ display, so you'll have to do the math.
It's on the old highway and there are no attendants.
Small station visible from the highway. however, you have to take the next exit and then back track on the side road to get to the service station.
Pump cut off after 3 gal and couldn't use disc again. Bought 18 gal total. Not a good experience.
Dunkin Donuts and Subway both inside… best Dunkin I have had in years. Bathrooms were just cleaned and well maintained.
Always has the best gas prices on this app...