The pumps need maintenance. Sometimes you pay inside because card reader doesn't work. No receipt at pump. Yesterday, I claimed an 18₵-off offer, put pump in, and gas sprayed everywhere from the hose. I ran inside to alert someone. Pump read .43 for gas I paid for that sprayed everywhere, BUT in my tank. I was told to try another pump. (They threw litter on gas spill to soak it up, but no sign to alert next user. ) Used another pump, but, of course, the 18₵-off offer was applied to the .43, because, in all that excitement and the fact my left hand was soaked by the spraying gasoline, I didn't think to renew offer. AAUGH! The ONLY reason I use this station is for the Gas Buddy deals, but now, after my last fiasco, I doubt I'll find it worth the hassle to try again unless they're offering $1 off/gallon! Buyer beware!
Please keep the receipt paper at the pumps stocked.
if the fuel prices are reported from "owner" then they are incorrect by at least 25 cent. Don't believe it till you see it in person.
Clean and bright. But not the easiest Wawa to get into.