Will not go back. Cash register attendants are rude and disrespectful. Also the machines never recognize a local zip code on my credit card. Went to Sheetz and prices are better and service top notch.
Awesome. Exxon just 2 blocks away was 22 cents more! GAS BUDDY YOU ROCK!!
Looking forward to their move to next to the BP station! Much better lighting there
Best station in marshall
After going to Shell nearby after 10pm, 7-11 wasn't any better either. Same pump issue like Shell, though the store was open but decided not to.bother asking and left.
They do *NOT* have Unleaded 88.
Great station with low prices, but it is always crowded - you most likely will have to wait for a pump.
Stigette, why are you complaining about the price being reported as 3.19 when it is you reporting it?
A great station for gas and breakfast!!