Trash always full to overflowing; pumps are s l o w; air hose non-functional half the time; receipt printers out of paper half the time; Lighting is great; location is easy access, on the highway and pretty safe Best part is the three cent discount for paying with a debit card!
the nicest valero
Nice station, friendly staff, easy access to diesel pumps when pulling a long trailer.
No bathrooms, porta pottie hot water for washing hands.
Many pumps available employees were very friendly, restrooms very clean, Diana was the very friendly employee that helped me.
This is my home town and my favorite allsups to go to!!
This is a non ethanol station and gas costs more, so dont expect them to compete price wise with ethanol stations! So all these other reviews condemning the price, need to get a reality check! Premium gas costs more! If you want cheaper gas with water( ethanol) then fill up somewhere else.