Much shorter lines than Rebel PLUS higher quality gas. Waaaay friendlier staff; car wash; pumps are almost always in working order
The folks who work behind the counter are courteous and very helpful in a tedious, on your feet, stressful job. Imagine dealing with dozens of customers every hour who have driven hundreds of miles and are annoyed at the cost of fuel all the while watching to see no one is swiping merchandise in the store. Add to that the chance someone is going to hold them up. Best diesel prices in the valley and best staff and store.
Very well kept, just sold and new owner is great! Night time manager is awesome!
Bev888 Is reporting incorrect prices for diesel 4.49 was report yet it was 5.29 I was there are 5.39 and correct the price Bev888 changed it back to 4.49 10 minutes ago I Carson corrected it
Jan2024: Station is Temporarily Closed. Underground Fuel Storage Tanks being replaced