Best prices in town with cash/card. Extremely competitive with Costco prices, also you won't find Super Unleaded at a better price anywhere in town!
Good station.
Nice older place but it serves the purpose for this area.
Wrong gas prices being entered by owner. Maverick is usually my go to to get gas because it is the cheapest by my house but today the owner is changing prices to cheaper prices then they actually are. This same shady business was happening down the street with Conoco and I praised Maverick for being honest with prices, but now they are doing the wrong prices too. In the last hour 2 people submitted a price of $2.95 for mid grade and the owner keeps switching it back to $2.91. I will take my business else where if this continues to happen.
Very nice people
Annoying speakers at pump - duct tape works great to muffle to tolerable level;=}
Price of air for tires is too high!
Difficult access but great customer service